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The Laredo Urban Transportation Study in its capacity as the Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization, provides continuous, cooperative and comprehensive transportation planning for the Laredo Metropolitan Area as required by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA). The Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan was submitted to the Texas Department of Transportation and U.S. D.O.T. in December 1994.

The FY 1997 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) was adopted by the Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee on July 31st, 1996 following a thirty day comment period required by the adopted Public Involvement Process.

A. Purpose

The UPWP describes and schedules work to be undertaken by the Laredo Urban Transportation Study during the 1996-97 fiscal period. The UPWP also includes a financial and participation summary. All elements described are consistent and in support of transportation planning objectives.

ISTEA requires that the Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan address the following fifteen factors in considering the transportation needs of the Laredo metropolitan planning area. The 1997 UPWP includes tasks that will allow on-going evaluation of community transportation needs in relation to these fifteen factors.

  1. Preservation of existing transportation facilities (pavement management, long range planning)
  2. Consistency with Federal, State and local energy conservation programs, goals and objectives
  3. The need to relieve/prevent congestion
  4. Effects of policy decisions on land use and consistency with land use and development plans
  5. Programming of expenditures for enhancement activities
  6. Effects of all transportation projects without regard to funding source
  7. International border crossings, access to ports, airports, intermodal facilities, freight distribution routes, national parks, recreation areas etc.
  8. Connectivity with roads outside planning area
  9. Needs identified through the use of management systems
  10. Preservation of rights-of-way for future transportation projects
  11. Efficient movement of freight
  12. Use of life-cycle costs in design & engineering of bridges, tunnel & pavement
  13. Overall social, economic, energy, and environmental effects
  14. Expansion, enhancement, increased use of transit services
  15. Capital investments that would result in increased security in transit systems
  16. Tourism

B. Definition Of Area

The Laredo Metropolitan Area includes the City of Laredo and portions of Webb County.

C. Organization

The Laredo Metropolitan Planning Organization is governed by the Policy Committee established in accordance with bylaws adopted June 9th, 1994. The Committee is chaired by the Mayor of the City of Laredo and includes as voting members: the State Senator for District 21, the State Representative for District 42, the Laredo District Engineer, the Webb County Judge and three City Councilpersons from the City of Laredo City Council. The Policy Committee is the body of the MPO that provides review and has decision-making authority over transportation planning efforts in the Laredo Metropolitan Area undertaken by the planning staff of the Laredo Urban Transportation Study acting as the Metropolitan Planning Organization and by the Texas Department of Transportation. (See Appendix A)

Technical Committee responsibilities include professional and technical review of work programs, policy recommendations and the transportation planning activities. The Technical Committee includes:

a. City of Laredo Representatives

Planning Director (Chairperson and MPO Planning Director)

Transit System General Manager

Traffic Safety Director

Airport Manager

City Engineer

b. Webb County and Regional Representatives

A staff representative of the County Judge

South Texas Development Council Regional Planning Director

Rural Transit System General Manager

c. State Representatives

Director Transportation Planning & Development

District Planning Engineer

District Public Transportation Coordinator

FHWA Planning Representative (Austin)

TxDOT Area Engineer

TxDOT Area Planning Representative (Austin)

d. Private Sector Representatives

Texas-Mexican Railroad Coordinator

Union Pacific Railroad Coordinator

Chairperson of the Laredo Transportation Association

A transportation provider representative who shall also serve on the Laredo Transportation Advisory Committee

MPO staff includes the MPO Planning Director, a transportation planner, two Drafting Technicians and clerical support staff.

D. Private Sector Involvement

Private consultants will be used for the completion of the Metro Rail Transit major investment study, the Alternative Analysis and Environmental Study of the FM 3464 Corridor, for the development of an international commercial cargo inspections and bridge crossing operations computer model.

E. Planning Issues And Emphasis

Completion of the Metro Rail Transit Major Investment Study.

Alternative Analysis and Environmental Study of the FM 3464 Corridor.

International commercial cargo inspections and bridge crossing operations model.

Implementation of transportation modeling and traffic count calibration

Transit bus stop and shelter assessment

Commercial truck trip survey

Full implementation of the pavement management system

Implementation of strategies to reduce congestion on U.S. 83

Implementation of strategies to improve downtown circulation


A. Objective

To ensure that the Laredo Metropolitan Area transportation planning process is fully a cooperative, comprehensive and continuing activity; to monitor on-going planning activities; and to ensure that all modes of transportation are given consideration as elements of a single urban transportation system and are considered in the overall planning process.

B. Expected Products

Fulfillment of planning objectives; compliance with state and federal requirements; amendments and implementation of a proactive public involvement process, reports and certifications, and completion of 1998 UPWP; updates to the Transportation Improvement Plan; updates to the Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

C. Previous Work

The 1997 UPWP is an on-going planning activity as required by the Federal Highway Act of 1962, Title 23, US Code as amended. Previous work has included the preparation of the 1996 UPWP, reports and certifications, development of a Public Involvement Process, and staff training.

D. Subtasks

1.1 Program support and administration. This element includes grant administration, record keeping, monitoring completion of UPWP projects, audit, preparation of reports and the 1998 UPWP, interagency coordination, and citizen participation.

1.2Travel, training and supplies that are not directly related to any other program element.

E. Funding & Participation Summary

UPWP TaskFTA TaskResponsibleAgencyTPF FundsFTA Sec. 5307GTPFLocalTotal,000003,00033,000,000001,50016,500
TXDoT State Funds10,000


A. Objective

Maintain a database on population, housing, land use and transportation characteristics. Monitor growth patterns in the study area for their impact on community transportation systems. Integration of data into GIS for ready organization, retrieval and analysis, and to forecast pertinent information to continue and further the goals and objectives of comprehensive transportation planning.

B. Expected Products

Updated population, land use, housing, employment and street databases and maps. A fully integrated mapping/database system to be used in data retrieval, analysis, projection, mapping, and graphic publication elements of future transportation planning tasks.

C. Previous Work

Compilation of data and data bases on housing, land use, population, employment and traffic; population and economic projections.

D. Subtasks

2.1 Growth and development monitoring and projections. On-going updates and maintenance of data and maps related to population, land use, housing and employment. Current estimates and forecasts of population and employment.

E. Funding & Participation Summary

UPWP TaskFTA TaskResponsibleAgencyTPF FundsFTA Sec. 5307GTPFLocalTotal,500005,0007,500
TXDoT State Funds0


A. Objective

To complete those activities associated with near-term planning and implementation for projects that will be undertaken within the next five years.

B. Expected Products

Development of a freight inspections and operations model in conjunction with U.S. Customs, USDA, FDA, DOT, DEA, and state agencies for operating, processing, inspecting commercial cargo. Application of Intelligent Vehicle technology into design for both U.S. and Mexican operations. U.S. 83 Congestion Study.

C. Previous Work

1996 Commodities Flow Study,1996 Rail Highway Crossing Safety Plan.

D. Subtasks

3.1Development of an international commercial cargo inspections and bridge crossing operations computer model.

3.2 Commercial truck origination/destination study and model calibration

3.3 Completion of congestion analysis of U.S. 83 from IH-35 to the metropolitan area boundaries.

E. Funding & Participation Summary

UPWP TaskFTA TaskResponsibleAgencyTPF FundsFTA Sec. 5307GTPFLocalTotal,000003,50038,500,238003,02433,262
TXDoT State Funds5,000


A. Objective

To update the Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan covering plans for a twenty-year period in accordance with local needs and in conformance to federal and state regulations; to continue study and analysis of projects and data for long-range planning elements and long-range project studies.

B. Expected Products

Update the Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan, in accord with U.S. DOT and TxDOT requirements including information and implementation strategies identified by: congestion and other management systems.

C. Previous Work

The Laredo Metropolitan Transportation Plan was submitted to TxDOT and U.S. DOT in December 1994. Congestion Management Systems and Pavement Management Systems have been implemented based on commodity flow analysis; rail crossing safety; and Metro Rail technology analysis.

D. Subtasks

4.1Update Metropolitan Transportation Plan in conformance with federal requirements..

E. Funding & Participation Summary

UPWP TaskFTA TaskResponsibleAgencyTPF FundsFTA Sec. 5307GTPFLocalTotal,500002502,750
TXDoT State Funds2,500


A. Objective

To further the goals and objectives of the transportation planning process through special studies undertaken by MPO staff or consultants in support of existing or projected local needs. To maintain the transportation management systems required by federal and state regulations, to assist decision makers in selecting cost-effective strategies to improve the efficiency and safety of and protect the investment made in transportation infrastructure, and to integrate existing local programs into the management systems.

B. Expected Products

Completion of a major investment study for fixed guide way transit service. Maintenance of a full Pavement Management System (PMS) data with update of pavement condition.

Safety Management System (SMS): Map high accident intersections.

C. Previous Work

1996 Pavement Management System completed. 1995 GIS system initiated.

D. Subtasks

5.1 Update Pavement Management System database.

5.2 Safety Management. Map high accident intersections.

5.3 Completion of Major Investment Study for Metro Rail Transit System.

5.4 Bicycle Route Study.

5.5 Transit bus stop and shelter needs assessment

5.6 Bridge IV to I.H. 35 (FM3464) Corridor Alternatives and Environmental Study (MIS).

5.7 Completion of Downtown Circulation Study

E. Funding & Participation Summary

UPWP TaskFTA TaskResponsibleAgencyTPF FundsFTA Sec. 5307GTPFLocalTotal,903001,19013,093,000004004,400
TXDoT State Funds2,500
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