
  • Already funded through the Sports Venue Fund that was voter approved in 2014.
  • Already Approved through a previous voter approved Initiative in 2014.
  • A win for our youth from proposed 20 Baseball/Softball Fields & 12 Soccer/Multipurpose Fields.
  • All hotels would benefit from tournaments and sports tourism.
  • Added economic benefit from increased sales tax revenue from tourism.


  • Already funded with over 20 Million dollars from the voter approved sports venue fund.

  • This proposition was voted on and approved by the voters in November 2014.

  • Prop A keeps the promise of a sports complex to Laredo's Kids.

  • ALL hotels will benefit. Proposition A will provide increases in hotel occupancy for all.

  • Sports Tourism has proven to be an economic boost for our city.

  • Allows for the TAMIU Tennis courts to move forward and the Baseball/Softball and Soccer fields to be completed at another location.


Why move it from T.A.M.I.U.?

TAMIU and the City of Laredo could not agree to having such a large facility on TAMIU. Instead TAMIU approved the tennis courts and because of size limitations and wildlife concerns did not agree on allowing Baseball/Softball and soccer fields.

How is this going to be paid?

Voters approved the use of the sports venue fund in 2014 when they approved the Youth Sports Complex. The Sports Venue fund has $20 Millions dollars in fund balance today.

So where are the fields going to be located if not at TAMIU?

Once Proposition A is approved, the City of Laredo will send out a Request For Proposals from interested land owners, who would want to donate the necessary land for the Youth Sports Complex.