Athlete Spotlight

Athlete Spotlight

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Athlete Spotlight

To be recognized in the Spotlight, you need only to excel in your chosen sport or activity, show a high level dedication to your sport or activity, and demonstrate a contribution to your community, i.e. community service, non-profit org, etc.

Spotlight recipients will be chosen from your resume, one-page letter, pictures, and/or videos submitted. If not chosen as the spotlight athlete for the month submitted, LSMC will hold that application for 2 more months’ eligibility.

To be recognized in the Athlete Spotlight:

  1. Send your resume.
  2. A minimum of 4 pictures of you engaged in your sport or activity. Videos are acceptable too.
  3. A one-page letter must also be submitted indicating why you feel you should be recognized as the spotlight athlete of the month.
  4. All information must be submitted in an organized manner to

To be considered for the LSMC Athlete Scholarship you must:

  1. Be a high school senior.
  2. You must have submitted a spotlight athlete package.
  3. You must complete a scholarship application. (download here)
  4. You must have a 3.5 GPA or better.
  5. You must have a minimum of 20 community service hours or be actively involved in a civic or charitable organization.

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